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Taxon ID: 10,171 Total records: 39,143

Capricornis rubidus


Kingdom Animalia (COL)
Phylum Chordata (COL)
Class Mammalia (COL)
Order Artiodactyla (CoL)
Family Bovidae (CoL)


Genus Capricornis Reference
SubGenus Vernacular Name
Species rubidus IUCN Threat Status-Year Near Threatened, 2008
SubSpecies Nat'l Threat Status-Year Not Evaluated, 2000
Infraspecies Reason for Change
Infraspecies Rank CITES
Taxonomic Group Mammals Native Status Endemic
Scientific Name Author Blyth, 1863 Country Distribution Myanmar
Citation Description Geographic Range [top] Range Description: This species occurs in much of Myanmar, Cambodia, south and central China (Himalayas and east Tibet, south Gansu to Zhejiang and south to Yunnan), Lao PDR, Thailand, and Viet Nam (Grubb, 2005). Originally widely distributed throughout Thailand, the species is now restricted to steep, forested limestone hills and cliffs, in areas relatively inaccessible to human encroachment and the range is highly fragmented (Kamchanasaka, in press, Department of National Park and Wildlife). The Thai range map accompanying this account is only indicative of the extent of occurrence and not occupancy of range. Lekagul and McNeely (1988) stated that even when the surrounding areas were completely taken over by cultivation, these steep hills remain covered with dense vegetation. Such areas act as miniature sanctuaries for the serow. In 1977, these authors also reported serow in the north and northeast Thailand, but Nakasathien (1986) suggested a much more conservative distribution. The dividing line between the ranges of C. milneedwardsii and C. sumatraensis is unclear, but is suspected to fall somewhere in the Chooporn or Suratchathani Provinces on the Thai peninsula. In Thailand the species is primarily confined to the mountainous areas of the north and west, with isolated populations, in hill areas in the east and southeast. The historic distribution of serow in Lao PDR almost certainly included the vast majority of the countries land area, the majority of which is hilly to mountainous (e.g. Deuve, 1972; Lekagul and McNeely, 1988; R. Timmins pers. comm. 2008). Currently in Lao PDR the species is still widespread due to extensive tracts of habitat, often over rugged terrain, especially along the Annamite mountain range of eastern central and southern Lao PDR (W. Duckworth and R. Steinmetz pers. comm. 2006; R. Timmins pers. comm. 2008). Cambodia the species is probably naturally restricted to the hill and mountainous terrain that surround the Mekong and Tonle Sap (lake) central plains, although confirmation of presence comes from relatively few areas, primarily as a result of survey bias (R. Timmins pers. comm. 2008). Geographic Range [top] Range Description: This species is known from northern, and perhaps western, Myanmar (Grubb, 2005). The range of C. rubidus is not well known, partly because of confusion with another red serow form in adjacent territories to the west in Assam and Bangladesh, and the fact that all serows can show varying amounts of red and black colouration. True rubidus specimens have black hair base rather than white. Records and specimens from Kachin state in the north of Myanmar are clearly this species. Other localities reported include the Upper Chindwin, Ararakan Hill Tracts and limestone hills in the upper Salween. Without accompanying specimens these records are less certain. The species may overlap in some locations with C. milneedwardsii which extends through most of the Shan States and Pegu (Bago) Yoma at least as far west as the Ayeyarwady river. The type locality is from the "Arakan Hills", however, many of the type localities from that time period are wrong and this may be one of them. Little survey work has been in the region of the type locality. In northeastern India, serows attributed to Capricornis sumatraensis rubidus apparently occur south of the Brahmaputra River in hilly tracts in Assam, Meghalaya and Tripura (Green, 1987). However, in this assessment, these animals are considered to be Capricornis thar, pending further information. Countries occurrence: Native: Myanmar Range Map: Click here to open the map viewer and explore range. Population [top] Population: There is no current information on the population of this species. Current Population Trend: Decreasing Additional data: ?Population severely fragmented: No Habitat and Ecology [top] Habitat and Ecology: There is nothing known about the natural history of this species. It is assumed to be similar in ecology to Capricornis milneedwardsii, inhabiting rugged steep hills and rocky places, as well as hill and mountain forest areas with gentler terrain. Systems: Terrestrial Use and Trade [top] Use and Trade: Horns are exported to Thailand to be attached to the spurs of fighting cocks (this is believed to give them more power). Threats [top] Major Threat(s): The threats to this species are not known, but there is significant hunting of other large mammals in the area. The serow in Myanmar is one of the most heavily traded species in the local trade. Every market surveyed by TRAFFIC in Myanmar in 2006 had Serow, and in most markets, this was the most commonly observed species, with the bulk of the parts observed being horns and heads. Many of these markets are situated on the Myanmar-Thailand border and dealers claim that all buyers in these border markets come from Thailand, indicating a blatant disregard for both national legislation and CITES. Serows are protected throughout Southeast Asia by law, but protecting this species on the ground does not appear to be a priority in many countries. Serow are very heavily hunted in Myanmar, with meat usually being consumed locally, but parts, including the forelegs, heads, horns and fat from the stomach region being the most sought after for use in traditional medicines. These parts are rendered down and the oil is sold in small bottles. According to dealers, this oil is applied externally to treat skin ailments and joint problems. Horn tips are also exported from Myanmar to Thailand to be attached to the spurs of fighting cocks (this is believed to give them more power). In 2006, interviews with dealers in border markets and markets in the centre of Myanmar, revealed that in all areas surveyed, Serow are apparently in decline. Hunters stated that they were having to travel further to get serow, and that they were, in many locations, becoming scarce. Conservation Actions [top] Conservation Actions: The red serow (as C.S. s. rubidus) was listed as Endangered (A2cd) in the 2007 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals (IUCN, 2007). However, this assessment probably included the red form of Himalayan Serow which was often attributed to this species but is currently included in C. thar. It is listed on Appendix I of CITES. There is an urgent need to survey this species habitat to determine the range limits, population, and threats. Measures also need to be enacted to prevent hunting of the species. It is expected to occur in several protected areas, but this requires confirmation. The taxonomic validity of this species, and its relationship to other species in the genus Capricornis needs to be assessed. Citation: Duckworth, J.W. & Than Zaw. 2008. Capricornis rubidus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2008: e.T3815A10102774. Downloaded on 10 March 2016. Disclaimer: To make use of this information, please check the . Feedback: If you see any errors or have any questions or suggestions on what is shown on this page, please provide us with feedback so that we can correct or extend the information provided



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Species Record Updated By: Carlos Aurelio Callangan