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Taxon ID: 22,461 Total records: 39,143

Fejervarya limnocharis


Kingdom Animalia (COL)
Phylum Chordata (COL)
Class Amphibia (COL)
Order Anura (COL)
Family Dicroglossidae (COL)


Genus Fejervarya Reference
SubGenus Vernacular Name
Species limnocharis IUCN Threat Status-Year Least Concern, 2009
SubSpecies Nat'l Threat Status-Year Not Evaluated, 2000
Infraspecies Reason for Change
Infraspecies Rank CITES
Taxonomic Group Amphibians Native Status Native
Scientific Name Author Gravenhorst, 1829 Country Distribution Myanmar
Citation Description Geographic Range [top] Range Description: This species is widespread throughout much of South Asia and Southeast Asia, including many islands in Indonesia, the Philippines, Phuket and Singapore and is also found in northern, central, southern and south-western China (including Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau). It is distributed in western Japan, in the western half of Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu Districts and Nansei Islands. It was recently introduced to Tsushima and Iki. The northern extremity of the species range in Japan is expanding rapidly. It has also been introduced to Guam, although it is not known whether it has established a breeding population there (Christy et al. 2007). It is found from sea level up to 2,000 m asl. Countries occurrence: Native: Bangladesh; Brunei Darussalam; Cambodia; China; Hong Kong; India; Indonesia; Japan; Lao Peoples Democratic Republic; Macao; Malaysia; Myanmar; Nepal; Pakistan; Philippines; Singapore; Taiwan, Province of China; Thailand; Viet Nam Introduced: Guam Upper elevation limit (metres): 2000 Range Map: Click here to open the map viewer and explore range. Population [top] Population: Frogs of this complex are generally common and abundant in suitable habitat. A slight decline (associated with pesticide application) has recently been observed in the Sri Lanka population/species and deformed specimens have also been observed. Current Population Trend: Stable Additional data: ?Population severely fragmented: No Habitat and Ecology [top] Habitat and Ecology: It inhabits most open wet habitat types, including river floodplains, wet agriculture areas such as rice fields, ditches, marshes, parks, gardens and other habitats and in closed-canopy forest (although this is rare in some regions). Its breeding and larval development take place in various wetland habitats. Systems: Terrestrial; Freshwater Use and Trade [top] Use and Trade: This species is harvested for human consumption and is also found in local and national trade. Threats [top] Major Threat(s): The main threats to this species are the use of agrochemicals, specifically pesticide application, the drainage of suitable wetland areas and prolonged droughts. Morphological abnormalities, presumably due to chemical contamination, have been found in some frogs inhabiting agroecosystems in the central Western Ghats (Gurushankara et al. 2007). Conservation Actions [top] Conservation Actions: Many protected areas in the region support this species. Taxonomic analysis of the F. limnocharis complex is needed, and determination of the species breeding status in Guam is also required. No other conservation actions are necessary at this time. It is protected by national legislation in India. Citation: Peter Paul van Dijk, Djoko Iskandar, Robert Inger, Michael Wai Neng Lau, Zhao Ermi, Geng Baorong, Sushil Dutta, Kelum Manamendra-Arachchi, Anslem de Silva, Sabitry Bordoloi, Yoshio Kaneko, Masafumi Matsui & Muhammad Sharif Khan. 2009. Fejervarya limnocharis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2009: e.T58275A11747569. Downloaded on 12 May 2016. Disclaimer: To make use of this information, please check the . Feedback: If you see any errors or have any questions or suggestions on what is shown on this page, please provide us with feedback so that we can correct or extend the information provided



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Species Record Details Encoded By: Carlos Aurelio Callangan
Species Record Updated By: Carlos Aurelio Callangan