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Taxon ID: 51,207 Total records: 39,143

Shorea cordata


Kingdom Plantae (COL)
Phylum Tracheophyta (COL)
Class Magnoliopsida (COL)
Order Malvales (COL)
Family Dipterocarpaceae (COL)

Record Level

Date Last Modified 2011-06-07 13:00:00
Institution Code ACBBISS-MY
Collection Code 51207
Catalog Number ACBBISS-MY-51207
Record URL

Growth Parameters

Temperature 0 Observed Weight 0
Sex Previous Catalog Number
Life Stage Relationship Type
Preparation Type Related Catalog Item
Individual Count 0 GML Features
Observerd Individual Count 0 Notes Leaves are and . The lamina is -ellipsoidal and may be up to 10 cm long and 2 cm wide. It has an base and an obtuse to acute apex. Two to three longitudinal veins are present on either side of the midrib. veins are not easily distinguished. Tendrils may b


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