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Taxon ID: 55,548 Total records: 39,143

Trachypithecus shortridgei


Kingdom Animalia (COL)
Phylum Chordata (COL)
Class Mammalia (COL)
Order Primates (COL)
Family Cercopithecidae (COL)


Genus Trachypithecus Reference
SubGenus Vernacular Name
Species shortridgei IUCN Threat Status-Year Endangered, 2008
SubSpecies Nat'l Threat Status-Year Not Evaluated, 2000
Infraspecies Reason for Change
Infraspecies Rank CITES
Taxonomic Group Mammals Native Status Native
Scientific Name Author Wroughton, 1915 Country Distribution Myanmar
Citation Description Geographic Range [top] Range Description: This species occurs in southwestern China (Dulongjiang Valley, northwestern Yunnan) and northeastern Myanmar. In Myanmar, south of the Hukaung valley, it is found only east of the Chindwin River, with allied T. pileatus to the west (Pocock 1939). The situation in the Chindwin headwaters (Hukawng valley) is unclear, because animals show morphological variation suggesting the possibility of intergradation with T. pileatus and/or undescribed variation within T. shortridgei (Duckworth and Tizard pers. comm.). Morphologically typical animals also occur east of the Hukaung (Pidaung) and north almost to Hkakaborazi (Pocock 1939). It also occurs along the Dulong River in Gongshan District, Yunnan (Groves 2001). Countries occurrence: Native: China; Myanmar Additional data: ? Lower elevation limit (metres): 200 ? Upper elevation limit (metres): 2500 Range Map: Click here to open the map viewer and explore range. Population [top] Population: Numbers are not known, but are believed to be declining owing to loss of habitat and hunting. The total population must be small, given the species’ restricted geographical range. Current Population Trend: Decreasing Additional data: ? Population severely fragmented: No Habitat and Ecology [top] Habitat and Ecology: This species occurs primarily in evergreen and semi-evergreen forests. It is largely arboreal, sometimes terrestrial, and folivorous. Records with known altitudes range from 200 to 2,500 m (Pocock 1939) but it is possible that the species does not have viable populations in the upper 600-1,200 m of this range: collecting expeditions very rarely encountered it in the highlands, compared with its evident abundance in the Chindwin lowlands. It does not occur in the lower Chindwin, below the change from largely evergreen forest to largely deciduous. Systems: Terrestrial Threats [top] Major Threat(s): These animals are hunted for food and traditional “medicine,” sometimes as illegal exports to China. Habitat loss for agriculture and wood extraction is also a major threat. A large length of the Chindwin (where the species was discovered) and its adjacent plains are scheduled to be inundated by the Tazone hydro-electric power dam. As well as direct loss of habitat through inundation this will result in massive increases in hunting as the construction labourers will be expected to live off the land, and the reservoir formed will greatly increase accessibility to a huge area of foothill forest; without specific, directed, management, hunters will no doubt take advantage of this. A very large area of suitable habitat falls within the proposed Hukaung Tiger Reserve, but it is unclear whether this area supports morphologically typical animals. If they do not occur in Hukaung, habitat loss is a sever threat to the species, because most other protected areas in the Myanmar part of its range are highland, and habitat below 900 m is heavily degraded and fragmented, and such processes are ongoing. Conservation Actions [top] Conservation Actions: This species is listed in CITES Appendix I. In Myanmar it is a protected species under the Wildlife Protection Law and occurs in at least two protected areas: Hukaung Tiger Reserve where taxonomic status is unresolved, Hponkanrazi Wildlife Sanctuary and Hkakaborazi National Park. In China it is a protected species and occurs in one protected area, Gaoligongshan Nature Reserve (L. Yongcheng pers. comm.). Citation: Htun, S., Yongcheng, L. & Richardson, M. 2008. Trachypithecus shortridgei. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2008: e.T39869A10268796. Downloaded on 01 February 2017. Disclaimer: To make use of this information, please check the . Feedback: If you see any errors or have any questions or suggestions on what is shown on this page, please provide us with feedback so that we can correct or extend the information provided



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Species Record Updated By: Carlos Aurelio Callangan